Haemochromatosis Australia website now provides a link to the website Patient Opinion. This service is independent of Haemochromatosis Australia and our website. The link is at http://haemochromatosis.org.au/patient-opinion/
How does Patient Opinion work?
Members of the public can anonymously post a story (positive or negative) on the Patient Opinion website about a local health service, or about health experiences. The experienced Patient Opinion team moderates all stories, and people visiting the website are able to search and review all patient/carer stories.
Health service staff can be alerted when a story is posted about a health service, ward or department that they are involved with. If they wish, staff from this organisation can publish a response to the story on the website. These responses can then be viewed by people visiting the website. Sometimes stories are more about a personal health experience, and not so much about interactions with particular health services or staff. As such, often there is no response published for that story.
Why is Patient Opinion useful?
There is often no easy way for a patient to provide feedback on their experiences. And we know that people want to talk about what was good and what could be improved, to say thanks to that trusted venesection provider who has been looking after you for years, or to call for change. The Patient Opinion website will pass submitted stories to the people in the health services who can make a difference.
Increasingly, more people are using the internet to source reliable health information, and to interact with other individuals and groups. Patient Opinion has nine years of experience working with health organisations to help them get the most out of this type of patient feedback.
For more information about Patient Opinion Australia and how your story is handled, visit www.patientopinion.org.au